Contact Us
If you have been arrested or are voluntarily attending a police station, we can visit you at any time, day or night. Simply call the office on 0207 025 7878, or if outside office hours call our out of hours phone line on 07973 214337.
If you’d like to discuss your matter in person, our office is open from 9.30 to 5.30, Monday to Friday. To book an appointment, you either call us or fill out the form below. This will mean when you arrive you won’t have to wait and there will be a solicitor with the relevant expertise waiting with your file, ready to go. We will take some background information, establish your situation and needs and then ensure that a solicitor with the relevant expertise assists you.
Click here to see a map and for travel and parking information.
Contact Us
83 Victoria Street
London, SW1H 0HW
Monday - Friday: 9.30 - 17.30
Tel: 020 7025 7878
Out of Hours Emergency Number: 07973 214337